Modern Slavery Statement

As required by the Modern Slavery Act 2015, this statement describes the steps which the company has taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our own business, or in any part of our supply chain. The company has also made an ongoing commitment to support the principles of the Act and to remain vigilant to identify, prevent and mitigate any actual or potential impacts of slavery and human trafficking throughout our supply chain and our own business.

Sustainability and ethical trading are the common objectives that link all aspects of Muntons business activities. Our aim is to minimise the impact of our business activity on the environment wherever possible. This is achieved by talking with our suppliers to ensure that they likewise take their corporate social responsibility seriously.

Muntons has an underlying and long-standing commitment based on the belief that business can be both profitable and responsible. This is achieved by building long-lasting relationships with our employees, across the supply chain and with the local community.

Modern Slavery Statement