Ultra Processed Foods (UPF)


What is UPF?

  • Whilst there is no officially recognised definition of UPF, the most widely adopted method is the NOVA Classification system. This defines UPF as “…formulations of ingredients, mostly of exclusive industrial use, typically created by series of industrial techniques and processes (hence ‘ultra-processed’).”

Are Muntons products UPF?

  • Using the NOVA Food Classification system below, the vast majority of our products are not Ultra Processed Foods and can be found in categories 1 – 3. Only 2 product groups can be found in category 4. Our full categorisation can be found below:

How do you make malt extract?

  • The process is simple; a grain of barley grown locally to our maltings in Suffolk or Yorkshire, undergoes a 7-day process of adding just heat and water to unlock the natural vitamins, minerals and abundance of fibre. These grains are then mixed with water to make a wort, before the water is evaporated to form the resulting extract.

Can malted ingredients help cleanse an ingredient declaration?

  • Liquid Malt Extract is a clean label alternative to artificial sweeteners, flavour enhancers and colourants, often being able to reduce the length of an ingredient declaration by removing several alternatives with its inclusion. The profile of Liquid Malt Extract also offers nutritional value through its natural composition of Amino Acids, Vitamins and Minerals.